Hello Guys.
It's been a long time to write in this blog again.
Today i want to talk about Bahasa Bangka ( Bangka Language).
Bangka Belitung is located near south sumatera ( Palembang) and well known for the marine tourism. Also it's famous for " Laskar Pelangi" both movies and novels that written by Andrea Hirata.
If you visit Indonesia, i suggest you to visit Bangka Belitung too because you'll love the nature and of course the foods too. But it's better for having local guide who can speak english so they can help you during your stay.
In Bangka, we rarely speak Bahasa Indonesia for daily conversation but we rather use " Bahasa bangka" instead for speaking or writing messages.
For my experience when i was senior high school, i tried to speak bahasa indonesia to my friend or teacher but they always replied all the question with bahasa bangka.
So, as you should know that bahasa bangka is different from each region in Bangka.
For example my family is Tionghua ( refer to Chinese Indonesia) so i used to speak in Hakka/ Khek Bangka Language and Bangka Malay. I live in Pemali, Bangka so when i went to Muntok ( West Bangka) or Belinyu, Khek Bangka language will be different each other. It same with Bangka Malay in belitung and bangka too.
Now i'll explain the general usage of Khek Bangka dan Bangka Malay.
1. Khek Bangka
Khek language is little bit similiar with Hakka. But Khek Bangka only spoken buy Chinese people of Chinese descent in Bangka. From Ruslan Anip documentation, it's said " Khek Bangka is a creole language based on Hakka (China) with
loan words from other Chinese languages".
I'll give you an example.
The word" water" in Khek Bangka is " sui" and it's same with Mandarin but for Khek Bangka, i think that we dont use intonation like Mandarin, just the word is same. Also for the writing, usually we write Khek Bangka with Indonesian alphabet.
Ngai oi sit fon
I want eat rice
Ki la(h) con
He/ She has/ had go home
Pronoun In Khek Language
Ngai = I
Ngi = You
Ki = He/ She
Ngaili = We
Kitew ngin = They
( The writing can be different and it depend on the people. This writing based on my writing with my family or friends)
I'm interested to research Khek Language in the future. But sadly, nowadays the young people can't speak this language because they migrates to urban area. So when they are getting married and have a children, they can't speak Khek Bangka because the parent rarely use it for daily conversation.
For my case, i was raised by my grandmother so she taught me to speak Khek Language. But my sister who was born in urban area, she can't speak Khek Language because my parent always use Bahasa Indonesia for daily conversation. Sometimes she can understand a few word but can't say it in Khek Language.
For the reference you can read Khek Language documentation from this URL:
Okay, now i'll move to Bangka Malay
2. Bangka Malay
Bangka Malay sometimes similiar with Malaysian Language but actually is a little bit different. I think Belitung Language is more similiar with Malaysian Language. And usually non- Chinese in Bangka speak Bangka Malay ( but some Chinese in Bangka can speak Bangka Malay too). I won't say that non Chinese in Bangka can't speak Khek Language but majority non Chinese using Bangka Malay for daily conversation.
Several word same with Bahasa Indonesia but suffix of the words is different.
Apa = What ( Indonesian)
Ape = What ( Bangka Malay)
Ka nek gi mane ? ( Bangka Malay)
Kamu mau pergi kemana ? ( Indonesian)
You want go where ?
Meaning in English " Where do you want to go?"
Another example:
Ku pacak begawe gi kantor
Saya bisa bekerja di kantor
I can work at office
Meaning in English " I can work at the office"
Pronoun in Bangka Malay
Ku = I
Ka = You
Je = He/ She
Je Urang = They
Kami = We
You can find another Bangka Malay sentences on this blog:
( Indonesian version only)
Bangka Malay is widely used in Bangka. Also some local radio and television station use Bangka Malay for their talkshow too. I think when you hear it for the first time, you'll think it's kind fo Malaysian word.
So do you interested to learn Bahasa Bangka? I think i'll write more detail about Bahasa Bangka in my next post.
See you later guys!
( P.S: It's very long time since i'm writing blog in english so if you find a weird sentence or words, please give your comment after reading this post. Thank you Guys!)
How do you say I love you in bahasa bangka ?